Learn to Love Well

Advanced course

An advanced course for women who have completed “Learn to Love Well.”

Available now


“I feel like I’m living with so much more confidence now. And I can trust myself and feel good no matter what happens.

I’m definitely feeling ready for love!”


Deepen your practice of loving well.


A 12-week journey to:

  • build on the lessons and transformation of the LTLW course

  • continue aligning or re-align with your intentions in love

  • feel deeply supported & guided

  • work through the challenges you’ve faced as a result of your growth

  • further expand your capacity to give and receive LOVE!


“I have grown a lot through this course, it feels like I have worked through a lot of inner pain I didn’t even know I was in.

I love that I’m continuing to change and become more me.”


“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -

I took the one less traveled by.

And that has made all the difference.”

- Robert Frost


“The best part has been the ability to further establish the changes within me.

This changes the way I handle situations but most importantly, the way I SEE myself. Amanda’s support and insights combined with the lessons have been the most valuable gifts on both courses.

It has been another incredible journey of challenges, growth and love. Thank you so much!”



6 Areas of Alignment

*Subject to change depending on the needs of the individual


Living with Heart-centered Intention

  • Deepen alignment with your intention or set a new intention that will serve you where you are now.

  • Develop strategies and tools to stay in alignment.


Maintaining your True Love Identity

  • A concept from the new & revised “Calling in the One” text.

  • Live from your wiser, worthy self.

  • Develop your ability to return to your True Love Identity when you slip out of it.


Communicating your Truth in Love

  • Sharpening your speaking & listening skills, particularly in conflict or in anxiety-producing situations.

  • Hold space for honest communication with generosity and courage.


Deepening Intimacy - Sexuality & Sensuality

  • Further explore intimate, self-honoring sex & pleasure.

  • Bring sensuality into your daily life to deepen your confidence in intimacy.

  • Learn to shift from your masculine to feminine energy to be more available for intimacy.


Finding “Magic in the Mundane”

  • Develop your ability to be present, infuse joy, and experience moments of “magic” in your life.


Maintaining a Connection to your Inner Guidance

  • Tools & Strategies to recognize synchronicities, signs, and inner guidance. And know what to do with them.

“Love rarely behaves itself… Rather it insists that we rise to the summit of what it is to be human, constantly stretching ourselves beyond what we had previously believed to be our limitations.”

-Katherine Woodward Thomas, “Calling in the One”


You’ll Receive


7 Coaching Sessions

1 Intention setting session

6 x 60-minute 1:1 sessions (every 2 weeks)


12 weeks of Lessons & Practices

2-3 Lessons & Practices per week

Curated from my knowledge, experience, and your LTLW feedback.


Personalized Feedback & Guidance between sessions

A private classroom just like LTLW. An opportunity to reflect, ask questions, and share insights. With personalized feedback throughout the 12 weeks (5 days/week).

Your Investment

Payment plans available on request.

LTLW Advanced 1:1
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Learn to Love Well Advanced Online Course
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For 2 months

Deepen your practice of loving well. Get anytime access to 12-weeks of exclusive LTLW Advanced lessons.

LTLW Advanced Online Course Upgrade

Choose from 3 private 1:1 sessions or 12 weekly Whatsapp check-ins

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 Refund Policy:

If you are deeply unsatisfied with the Learn to Love Well Advanced course at any time, you may request in writing to discontinue. There will be no refunds for completed portions of the course. Pro-rata refunds for the remaining portion of the course may be provided upon demonstration that every activity has been completed to date and there is an issue that the facilitator cannot resolve within her professional capabilities.

If at any point in time the facilitator deems the course to be inappropriate or unhelpful for the client, in her professional opinion, the course will be discontinued and a pro-rata refund may be issued. All refunds are at the discretion of the course facilitator (Amanda Luukinen).

It is common to experience a “vulnerability hangover” once you decide to do deep healing work. It’s a coping mechanism to help you hide from being vulnerable. This course will also allow you to meet your vulnerability and work through it rather than hide from it.

There are no guarantees of outcomes.


I am a Certified International Health Coach, specializing in women’s health.  I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, NY, USA, where I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods.  I was trained by some of the world’s top health and wellness experts and many other leading researchers and nutrition authorities. In addition, I have completed the revised “Calling in the One” group course facilitated by the author and have received training directly from her in a group setting.

I support and guide my clients, using my background, research, training, skills, and life experiences to best serve the needs of my clients in a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspect.

I am not a medical doctor, dietician, or nutritionist. I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics, or nutrition. I do not make claims of any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. The content and services offered are not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases.  They are intended to provide informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes only.  Please consult with your doctor or wellness team if you have any questions.  I encourage all my clients to make their own well-informed decisions based upon what is best for their unique genetics, culture, conditions and stage of life.